Apartment Buildings

3 Key Property Management Duties and Responsibilities

Investment properties like condominiums and apartments or single-family rental homes practically need round-the-clock monitoring to ensure these are properly maintained. While property management duties and responsibilities run the gamut, the primary focus is to ensure that the properties under the care of the property management company are well-maintained to keep them up to standard.

If you own several real estate investment properties, hiring the services of a property management company could be an option worth considering. To help you get started, here are a few key property management duties and responsibilities to know about, so you’ll know what to look for when vetting property managers:

1. Oversee maintenance of the property

This is a broad term that covers everything related to the general state of the property. From making sure that every nook and cranny, every pipe and faucet, and everything in between are in tip-top shape at all times. When a pipe bursts or an electrical outlet loses power, it is the responsibility of the property management company to have these repaired without delay. They know that every day the repairs get delayed is one more day that increases the risk of more damage. The longer repairs take, the costlier they get, in other words.

2. Maintain property value

A good property manager knows how important maintaining property value is. So not only will they ensure that the property is well-maintained, as mentioned above, but also, they are always on the lookout for changes in real estate values and standards. This critical information helps them keep up with the changes thus ensuring the properties under their care are up to par with other properties in the neighborhood.

3. Ensure the property is up to HOA standards

There’s a huge difference between ensuring the property is up to par with the general standard and value of real estate in their location and making sure the same is up to HOA standards. Often, HOA standards are more difficult to follow and keep up with because HOAs have very specific rules about property maintenance. Property management duties and responsibilities also cover building a good relationship with the HOA by ensuring that all dues are paid on time, and rules about property aesthetics and such are followed down to last detail.

If you wish to learn more about HOAs and other related topics, please feel free to browse our blog page. You may also visit the community news page for more information on California homeowners associations.

Featured Photo by Tembela Bohle